Saturday, August 19, 2023

Cyclic Journey

 All consciousness is aware of time. Time is an integral part of consciousness. The squirrel knows when to harvest and the birds when to relocate. These patterns are considered instinctual, less known and felt than human awareness. This is extremely misleading. These patterns seem hard wired and less complex than human, yet have been designed not only in reference to their own context, but within the parameters of more complex patterns of EIM in which they exist, contribute and have their being (presence).  

Instinct is a categorization, a facet of an even more complex Intelligence, a reflection framed within the parameters of our own intelligence. 

Upon birthing we are conscious only of ourselves, unaware of the context we observe. We find it curious, interesting and mysterious ... a reality not known before. Over time we learn of a consciousness larger than ourselves, filled with parameters and conditions which we know and believe we must function for the purpose of maintaining balance and harmony (survival). 

Some of these designs seem better than others. With little choice, the results are made apparent for all to observe. Consciousness, along with its access to other dimensions, changes over time while cyclically returning to a more expansive expression of its own singularity, i.e. Oneness. 

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