Sunday, April 16, 2023

Design Potpourri

The mind finds it humorous when a mountain is made out of a molehill. It's a unique partnership (duality) between impressions brought forward by feelings and the emotions that surround it. Balance is an ongoing challenge at all times. 

Events and experiences are locked together in a linear time and space frame for purposes of designing the most appropriate response in every  situation.  

If you are truly in the moment you will quickly recognize the situation and abide by means of relationship. This is the "something" that humanity subconsciously strives for.

Conceptual thinking allows for adaptability, matter of fact, it's required. 

Linear thinking and feeling create a dualistic framework for a particular purpose and meaning. 

Transition in transformation (change) are ideas (links) made apparent for the sake of reality. 

The most appropriate ideas are typically the most rarefied and symbolic in context and content, likewise they are the most complementary.

- Train for any argument with Harvard's former debate coach 

Ideas purposely cross the line between concept and reality. Ideas create a playground for the mind, are intuitively felt and at times intelligently pursued. 

Ideas fill the gap between wholeness and singularity. Ideas require symbolic flexibility, adaptability, plasticity, adjustability, freedom, latitude, variability, cooperation, fluidity, accommodation, tolerance, forgiveness, openness, versatility, open mind-mindedness, understanding and compassion in order to achieve and perpetuate balance and harmony throughout spacetime.

At times beauty presents itself as an event or experiences never forgotten. Beauty has an aroma, a taste, a tone, a look and a presence that knowing can only feel when bringing it to light.

Truth is yours alone. This is why it is impossible to make Truth the law.  

Light is transmitted in water. The Universe is primarily hydrogen, which when oxidized becomes the medium of creation.

Energy in motion immediately comes into focus when observed unexpectedly.

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In reference to Design and Design Consciousness, the quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP) might best be described as a mutable and malleable photonic aether. At much denser levels of observation such aethers will appear as a field of vibrating and at times oscillating, electro-magnetic plasma. 

As such, the concept of Light is abstract, relative and at yet the “substance” where dimensions are hewn, constructed, formed and made manifest (holographic). A designer must be wise, accomplished and well skilled in the tools she/he has symbolically created in desire to bring one’s dream to fruition. 

The Design Registry is a conceptual sketchbook. Copyright © 2022 C.G. Garant. AI usage prohibited.

Edited: 04.26.2024, 05.01.2024

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