Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Believing You Know

Knowledge (knowing) and the senses, tangible and intangible, i.e. feelings, are made aware, apparent and conscious by means of design. Due to changing circumstances (experience) knowledge and feelings (awareness') are forever being changed, translated, reconfigured and transformed. 

Reconfigured streams of awareness are woven into new patterns of energy in motion (EIM) by virtue of coherent resonance. Experience is recreated, redefined and relabeled. In reference to the concept of reality, ideas are remembered, reviewed and redesigned. Because of awareness consciousness never stands still. We are all creative. It is an essential human trait.

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When experiencing the duality of spacetime, one idea plus another create, attribute and give rise to the "idea" of a concept.  

When experiencing the duality of spacetime, one awareness plus another create, attribute and give rise to an "idea" of consciousness.  


A concept less its ideas = no thing (0)

A consciousness less its awareness = the unconscious

Consciousness, awareness and spacetime (space + time) are both ideas and concepts. (duality).

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Design is both a conceptual and idealistic exercise in spacetime created within the symbolic framework of a dream made conscious, i.e real. Design will always remain veiled within a virtual unknown (unconscious).

The design process becomes conscious, i.e. known and felt through the implementation of signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy. Together they give recognition to all events and experiences.

Design is a language long forgotten.

Beliefs eventually reach exposure, over time they reveal a certain truth no longer sustainable. Interestingly enough, that is where their beauty lies.

Duality leads to revelation, high ideals and attractions hidden in the dreams of others. 

Only through experience will falsehoods be truly known and felt. 

Reality is a projection of your own consciousness designed with a meaning and a purpose.

You may be asked to believe - better to know and cherish your own truth be felt. 

Feeling can lead into believing a falsehood that knowing had already known. 

Belief creates a virtual illusion meant to guide by means of a certain knowledge and understanding. This makes it difficult to know exactly what you're dealing with. 

Consciousness (energy) is in constant motion by virtue of awareness. All virtue is a gift. 

Consciousness is the energy of change.

Design with empathy, compassion and understanding. 

To know beauty, resonate to that which you love.

All senses function in coordination - active networks of energy in motion each knowing their moment.

Gratitude is such a beautiful vibration - once experienced never forgotten.

How long does it take to appreciate what you have? How long does it take to know it? Can you trust what you doubt? Synchronicities have been designed to guide you.

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Belief isn't knowing. Knowing comes with experience. Belief merely leads to knowing.

Finding clarity is a full time job.

Longing is to know the origin of consciousness.

Awareness is the tool we use to attain the knowledge we desire. Meaning is at the essence of knowing. ref: Frederico Faggin 

We attract to ourselves what we know along with what we don't know. The desire to know expands our consciousness through awareness. It's imperative we know beyond belief.

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Plato’s cave and the stubborn persistence of ignorance By Daniel R. DeNicola - BIG THINK -Thinking- December 8. 2024 

“Ignorance and knowledge are concepts that cannot stand alone: They presuppose each other. It seems as convoluted to describe absolute and complete ignorance as is to describe absolute and complete knowledge. Ignoration and omniscience are comprehendible only as limiting concepts.” 

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Observe your thoughts and know them for what they are. See how they contribute to your concept of reality. Each thought and feeling contributes to hologram you create and design for yourself. 

Design consciousness can find clarity when there is none. 

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"It is startling to realize how much unbelief is necessary to make belief possible."Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the nature of Mass Movements 

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Belief has no power unless hidden. Belief has no power unless found resonant. Belief's power rests in the mind of an unknowing observer. 

Belief is conditional, knowledge not as much.

Belief substantiates itself by believing. Knowledge substantiates itself by knowing. Design substantiates both by virtue of experience. 

Believing doesn't require experience - knowing does. 

Believing requires conditioning, either yours or someone else's. Knowledge remains unconditional until conditioned by believing. 

Belief strives to believe in the unknown at risk of not knowing. Knowledge strives to know the known at risk of not believing. 

Believing brings into question believing. Knowledge brings into question knowing. Both should always be held in question. 

Nothing gets better when "buying into" a belief known not to be true.

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"The urge to escape our real self is also an urge to escape the rational and the obvious."

Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements

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Pain, abuse, confusion, turmoil, ridicule, self hate, anger and fear describe the experiences of a believer whose beliefs have escaped the power of knowing.

Knowing leads to the knowledge that all beliefs eventually face their own reckoning.

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"To believe is to accept another's truth. 

To know is your own creation."


Edited: 09.01.2023, 06.18.2024, 08.28.2024, 12.14.2024

The Design Registry is a conceptual sketchbook. © Copyright 2022 C.G. Garant. AI usage prohibited. 

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