Thursday, November 2, 2023

If You Could Only Imagine


Your imagination takes you into your own dream state, your own quantum field of virtual potential and probability. The imagination represents the self by virtue of what is being symbolically personified in the dream, i.e. impressions, reflections and depictions affording you the quantum energy necessary to become an active co-creator with the universe. 

Human awareness is linked to the power of the imagination, and it is from within in this quantum state of awareness that choices are presented, attended to and decisions are made. The imagination functions closely with the subconscious to bring about a focus upon certain attractions made apparent through observation; options that mysteriously condense and emerge from within the chaos of the quantum field. 

Whatever the attraction, the imagination provides direction, by means of awareness, for the purpose of establishing and perpetuating a sense of balance between the conscious and the unconscious. The subconscious facilitates these attractions by generating patterns of energy in motion through sign and symbol, i.e. design. 

Imaginative choices lean towards a balanced “state” of EIM while striving to bring into relative manifestation the universal principles of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. In reference to human consciousness, subconscious choice provides, within the parametric constraints of a dualistic, three-dimensional framework of spacetime, a somewhat  confrontational circumstance between the ego and the collective consciousness in which it participates. 

Your imagination is the door to a dream state, i.e. the QFVPP. The dream state is where choices, i.e. ideas, and concepts, are symbolically represented for observation. If coherent, greatly felt and determined to be appropriate, a dream's impression is made fully cognizant and can in spacetime, appear real and be of great influence.

"Our thoughts, words and actions not only describe life, but creates it."

Your imagination is influenced by many mysterious and chaotic underpinnings - perceived, observed, described and imagined impressions of EIM 
"appearing" in the form of a holographic, quantum and tumultuous field of virtual potential and probability. 

The act of focusing triggers the creation of a dualistic construct where the process of manifestation gives birth to a subjective and visceral concept of reality. 

Energy that hinders the thrust of Consciousness towards stagnation or regression is shackled to its own incoherency by shadowing any effort towards greater love, knowledge and understanding. The shadow is an active and necessary component in the design of consciousness. Darkness appears in the form of a complementary series of spectral impressions interpreted and presented in a linear fashion and format. 

By virtue of its design, duality creates the context for the unlimited growth of conscious awareness. Duality generates its own set of contextual constraints by means of scale, gradation, range, spectrum and hierarchy. 

darker                                                                             lighter

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"Design depends largely on constraints."

"I don't remember ever being forced to accept compromises, but I've willingly accepted constraints"

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Reality is a projection of your own consciousness designed with both a meaning and a purpose.

Know what you’re dealing and cannot seem to believe.

The most important question to ask yourself in every step in the design process is - why?

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Tobias Weaver.  - November 29, 2022

published June 27, 2016
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Edited: 07.03.2024
The Design Registry is a conceptual sketchbook. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited.

Between Spirit and Matter

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