Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Design can be measured as a factor of time. The greater the awareness the greater the level of consciousness. Awareness determines the parameters of less passage where balance and harmony must function within certain contextual constraint. 

Spacetime likewsie functions within similar parameters and constraints. Together they create a binary circumstance/context required of the creative process. Spacetime creates a series of variables and criterion in response to the observer. In this fashion observations can be easily recognized and categorized into memorable blocks or patterns of energy in motion, which when appropriately designed contribute to the conscious awareness of the observer.
parameter: framework, variable, limit, boundaries, limitations, restrictions, specifications, criterion guidelines. 

Networks of EIM offer the opportunity to determine/choose the next step in the design journey. Each step (symbolic block of experience) points in the direction of the next to either connect or stand down. 

stand down: no longer to be linked or connected in any particular micro-moment or particular space, remains available to respond and create any new situation requiring re-alignment, re-patterning and/or restructuring, a position taken for purposes of present or future expansion/contraction in spacetime by referencing a new design experience harbored in a new and different context … very neurological by proxy. 

The ability to perceive future situations and arrangements require the input to be “somewhat measurable”. Dualism is without limit and filled with virtual potential and probability, an aetheric domain made “tangible” by virtue of observation, reasoning and design. 

Design consciousness is a symbolic facilitator made apparent within the turbulent context of change/energy in motion. Design consciousness supports, describes and defines the transition and transformation of energy in motion.

Design reaches beyond the senses, including space and time. This is what designers  are inclined to do. We each create and implement a design language (system of symbolic thinking and feeling) of our own. We use our private language to support us in the creating and sharing and our own unique sense of “reality”. Like consciousness design has no words to fully describe it. Design seems to be based in our imagination, intuitive and targeted towards a meaning and purpose known only to its creator.

Edited: 10.16.2023
The Design Registry is a conceptual sketchbook. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited.

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