Sunday, May 21, 2023

A spectrum of consciousness





state  condition, shape, situation, circumstance

partial  incomplete, limited, qualified, restricted, imperfect, fragmentary, unfinished, slanted, skewed, colored, unbalanced

To be unconscious is to be without focus. To be conscious is to be in focus. To be subconscious is being both.

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When aware, imperfection can lead towards perfection, separation towards cohesiveness and disharmony towards balance.

The Design Registry is a conceptual sketchbook. Copyright © C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Design Attributes

The mind possess many attributes, to mention they are thought, sensation, perception, thinking, reasoning, memory, belief, desire, emotion, motivation, subjectivity, consciousness, intentionality, agency, conscious mind, subconscious mind, unconscious mind, preconscious mind, imagination, all experience, concentrating, remembering, will, competence, etc.

The emotions also have many attributes, to mention adoration, amusement, anger, awe, confusion, contempt, desire, disappointment, distress, fear, interest, sadness, joy, surprise, trust, anticipation, happiness, sadness, enjoyment, pride, excitement, peace, satisfaction, contentment, relief, love, worry, stress, lonely, heartbroken, gloomy, hopeless, grieved, unhappy, troubled, resigned, miserable, mourning, nervous, anxious, terrified, desperate, confused, anxiety, bitter, mad, irritated, cheated, vengeful, etc.

Together our mind and our emotions create the fertile context that gives birth to the seeds of the imagination, ideas that when viewed collectively identify the very concept from which they emerge in probability.

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"Someone once asked the great jazz musician Louis Armstrong, "What is jazz?" Louis calmly responded, "Sir if you have to ask I can't explain it to you." If someone had asked me "What is design?" I would have had to respond in a similar fashion. There are no simple answers to the design experience."

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The fifth dimension is about Design, i.e. learning and knowing beyond the constraints of belief. The design process creates within and beyond the parameters of every context. Realize the importance of the intuition in this regard and know how to apply its guidance in reference to empathy, compassion and understanding.

Design creates a membrane within and about every form of consciousness, linked and patterned. 

Design functions at all levels of Universe and by means of revelation, becomes its own creative agent. 

Design's strength is felt beyond the symbolic veil and virtual reality we know as consciousness. 

Design creates a conceptual construct upon which all other concepts are dependent, ideas are the result of this process. 

Design creates an impression over distance, i.e. spacetime, i.e. an interaction between "states of energy in motion" intuited, felt and sometimes measured. 

Design "opens a door" creating the most appropriate portal for the transition and transformation of energy in motion (EIM). The Quantum Field of Virtual Potential and Probability (QFVPP) harbors every situation and circumstance imaginable - personal and collective.

Design possesses a physics of its own instrumental in the creation, composition and formation of every universe. 

Design functions beyond current vibratory levels and at levels of awareness unknown.

Design transcends beyond intuition and feeling. Can we ever really know what it is? Yet interestingly enough we know it for what it is. Design is yet to be fully known and therefore will remain beyond belief.

We all live in a virtual Design Consciousness beyond any imagination.

Dualism permeates the Universe.

Create and design with empathy, compassion and understanding. To know beauty, seek and resonate to that which you love.

Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and felt while hiding in belief.

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"Be not  astonished at new ideas; for it is well known to you that a thing does not therefore cease to be true because it is not accepted by the many."

The Design Registry is a conceptual sketchbook. © 2022 C.G.Garant. AI usage prohibited. 

Between Spirit and Matter

    Without a point, no line.  Without line, no pattern. Without pattern, no geometry.  Without geometry, no shade.  Without shade, no shado...